Learning to speak is one of the first things we do as children. We start by repeating sounds we hear, which eventually develop into fully formed words until sentences. These words & phrases help us communicate with each other & understand what someone is trying to say when they speak. Giving kids who are not developing this ability may be a developmental speech or language delay. 

Speech therapy is necessary for treating such challenges because it can help identify obstacles to a child’s development & provide tools for parents & teachers to help develop strong communication skills in their children.

And the ones who are experts in executing speech therapy programs are known as Speech therapists. Speech therapists are trained professionals who work with patients to improve their communication skills. The type of therapy that a speech therapist provides depends on the patient’s needs. Some everyday speech disorders that speech therapists treat include stuttering, lisps & vocal cord damage.

If you want to learn more about what speech therapists do & what speech therapy looks like, this article will help! It explains what a speech therapist does & the different types of speech therapy.

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech Therapist

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Speech therapy is a field of healthcare that focuses on treating communication & swallowing disorders. Speech therapists work with patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly. They use various techniques to help their patients improve their speech & communication skills.

Speech therapy can be beneficial for people with difficulty speaking for various reasons, including stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, autism & more. Speech therapy can also help people who have trouble swallowing due to conditions such as dysphagia.

If you or someone you know is having difficulty communicating or swallowing, consider seeking help from a speech therapist at Theracare Pediatric Services in Phoenix.

What Does a Speech Therapist Do?

A speech therapist, also known as a speech-language pathologist, is a health care professional who specializes in diagnosing & treating communication & swallowing disorders. 

Speech therapists work with patients who have difficulty communicating. They help people with various disorders, including those that affect the ability to produce speech sounds, fluency & to understand & use language.

Speech therapists assess patients & develop treatment plans. They may also provide guidance to family members & caregivers. In addition, they may conduct research & write articles for professional journals.

The Different Types of Speech Therapy

There are many different types of speech therapy, each with its unique approach & goals. The most common types of speech therapy include:

  • Cognitive-communication therapy helps patients with brain injuries or neurological conditions improve their communication skills.
  • Articulation therapy: This therapy helps patients with speech sound disorders improve their ability to produce specific sounds.
  • Fluency therapy helps patients who stutter learn techniques to reduce their stuttering.
  • Language therapy: This therapy helps patients with language disorders improve their understanding & use of language.
  • Pragmatic language therapy: This type of therapy helps patients with social communication disorders improve their social skills.
  • Voice therapy: This type of therapy helps patients with voice disorders improve the quality of their voice.

How to Choose a Speech Therapist

speech therapist

There are many different types of speech therapists & it can be challenging to know how to choose the right one. Here are some things to consider when choosing a speech therapist:

  • What type of problem are you looking to address? Some speech therapists specialize in certain areas, such as stuttering or communication disorders.
  • What is your budget? Speech therapy can be expensive, so knowing what you can afford is essential.
  • What are your insurance benefits? Many insurance companies will cover speech therapy, but there may be limits on how many sessions you can have or what type of therapy you can receive.
  • What is the therapist’s experience? Choosing a therapist with experience treating patients with your type of problem is essential.
  • Does the therapist use evidence-based practices? Evidence-based practices are those that have been proven to be effective through research. You want to ensure your therapist uses practices that have been shown to work.
  • Is the therapist a good fit for you? It is essential that you feel comfortable with your therapist & that you feel like they understand your needs.

Pros & Cons of Speech Therapy

There are many different opinions on whether or not speech therapy is effective. Some people believe it is a waste of time & money, while others believe it is a vital service that can help children & adults alike. 

Here, we will explore speech therapy’s pros & cons to help you make an informed decision about whether or not it is suitable for you or your child.


  • Speech therapy can help to improve communication skills.
  • It can also help to improve confidence & self-esteem.
  • It can help to reduce anxiety & stress levels.
  • It can also help to improve social skills.
  • It can help to improve academic performance.


  • Speech therapy can be expensive.
  • It can be time-consuming.
  • Some people may not see results from speech therapy, regardless of how hard they try or how long they participate in sessions.


Speech Therapy

Young Downs Syndrome Couple Having Fun Baking In Kitchen At Home

A speech therapist can help you with various issues, from improving your articulation to helping you cope with a stutter. If you’re struggling to communicate effectively, don’t hesitate to seek out the help of a qualified speech therapist at Theracare Pediatric Services.

We are a group of speech therapists who feel that everyone needs to be able to communicate effectively! Our mission is to help kids and adults with all communication problems, from speech difficulties, stuttering, and disorders, to aspects of communication such as listening skills, articulation, and accents. 

We proudly serve children in various settings: schools, clinics, preschools, daycares, and pre kindergarten classrooms. We also offer home visits for people who need more intensive therapy or for those who need supervision.

With the expertise & guidance of our therapists, you’ll be able to overcome any obstacle standing in the way of your communication goals.

Top Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Speech Therapy Useful?

Yes, Speech Therapy for people with speech disorders can be beneficial. Therapy has helped many people in overcoming the struggles that they experience. 

A therapist will guide the person through different exercises & make specific recommendations to help the patient.

2. Does Speech Therapy Help Adults Too?

Yes, a speech therapist can help adults with everyday speech disorders. Patients looking to improve their communication skills or diagnose & treat communication-related conditions should seek the help of a speech therapist.

3. What Does It Mean To Have A Speech Therapist?

Having a speech therapist can help with numerous tasks like learning to speak better, communicating more efficiently, understanding language better & slowing down. 

4. What Does A Typical Speech Therapy Session Look Like?

A typical speech therapy session lasts between 30 minutes- 1 hour & can vary depending on the patient. 

  • A therapist may first ask questions about their interests, likes & dislikes to better understand their life & how they communicate. 
  • They will then go over a list of activities that are challenging for the patient or may result in good opportunities for practice. 
  • The therapist will then lead them through the suggested activity(s).

5. How Do I Know If My Child Needs Speech Therapy?

Many signs indicate your child needs speech therapy. Some of the most common is uneven development in conversation skills, use of unintelligible words, unclear speech & stuttering.